Opening Hour

Mon - Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Closed on Saturday, Sunday & Public Holiday(s)

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Organization Background

ASIMO South Sudan is a national nonprofit and non-political organization registered in 2016 by RRC South Sudan Under registration number 1655, ASIMO has been working to delivery services needs to IDPS, returnees and host communities in 6 States of South Sudan.

Our program involve mentorship in implementation of integrated programme cutting across food security & livelihoods, Education, Gender Equality and advocacy, Peace Building, WASH and health, we reflect a key role in helping achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs).

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ASIMO Staff group photo at Wau Head Office






Completed Projects


Running Projects

Our Thematic Programs

ASIMO implement WASH programs, including activities to provide access to safe drinking water, handwashing facilities, sanitation services, and solid waste disposal.

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Peace-building, community protection initiatives, good governance, and civic education are pillars of our work. ASIMO practices and promotes conflict resolution, establishes traditional peace committees, and promotes good governance, citizenship and civic education.

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ASIMO shall remain instrumental in fostering Education in Emergencies (EiE) based on emerging contexts and mainly to ensure sustained learning (as a right) among children.

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ASIMO shall continue to support multi-sector protection interventions that ensure the safety and dignity of vulnerable people in South Sudan.

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ASIMO will continue building community resilience through timely and resilient food security measures, sustainable livelihoods, and strategies designed to help internally displaced persons, vulnerable host communities, returnees, and refugees in South Sudan.

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ASIMO will continue collaborating with the South Sudan governments (especially the key line Ministries), the private sector, foundations, international organizations, academia, NGOs, & UN agencies by promoting positive, solutions-driven approaches to combat climate change, to highlight transformational climate action and to improve public understanding of the issue

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ASIMO implements health support in South Sudan through community health facilities and mobile medical units (MMUs), which provide a range of maternal, mental, and primary health care services. We shall continue to provide life-saving maternal and new-born health care services to reduce the prevalence of maternal and infant deaths.

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ASIMO will work to ensure that Nutrition is essential for a population and particularly children to survive, grow and achieve their full potential in terms of social, economic, intellectual and physical.

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