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Protection & Gender Development

HNO 2024 reads as follows, “The people of South Sudan, especially women and children, experience a severe protection crisis.” Still, the food insecurity crisis in Ethiopia has exacerbated the emergency in South Sudan. HNO 2024 reports, “With the onset of the Sudan crisis in April 2023 and a combination of violence and the cessation of food distribution in parts of Ethiopia, thousands of people returned to South Sudan, many of whom are highly vulnerable and arriving in critically underdeveloped areas.” Children are exposed to substantial risks of violence, exploitation, and abuse due to conflict, displacement, family separation, and limited access to education, nutrition, and health care services.

Distribution of hygiene kits to women by ASIMO

ASIMO shall continue to support multi-sector protection interventions that ensure the safety and dignity of vulnerable people in South Sudan. Protection activities include assistance to GBV survivors through case management, mobile emergency response teams, psychosocial support services, child protection, and referrals to health specialists, as well as assessments to integrate protection into multi-sector emergency response activities. We also provide protection services to conflict-affected communities, IDPs, and refugees countrywide, including family reunification interventions, GBV prevention and response programs, legal assistance, disability inclusion, and mental health and psychosocial support activities as well as ensure active and routine participation in coordination and capacity-building platforms, including among protection actors in South Sudan.

ASIMO team meeting the women group.






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