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Education in Emergency & Development

ASIMO shall remain instrumental in fostering Education in Emergencies (EiE) based on emerging contexts and mainly to ensure sustained learning (as a right) among children. We shall continue supporting the establishment of temporally learning spaces (TLS) working closely with local communities and leadership. We shall continue to work with key partners like the Education Cluster and individual agencies like UNICEF to provide learning and teaching materials, as well as recreational materials to schools also working closely with local authorities and communities. Based on the situation of the affected communities, including children and teachers, we shall intervene to provide psychosocial support while ensuring an integrated, holistic support and by working closely with other partners.

We shall be gender and conflict sensitive also ensuring support in equitable, gender-disaggregated (e.g., teachers and pupils’ wash facilities). We shall work to enhance school governance through activities like training of PTA and School Management Committees (SMCs). We shall also provide dedicated training support to teachers.

Last but not least, we shall remain dedicated and active on coordination, ensuring routing participation and contribution at the Education Cluster and at all levels, national and sub-national.






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