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Mon - Fri, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

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Many children don’t have a healthy start in life and are faced with life-long challenges due to poor nutrition in South Sudan. High levels of food insecurity leave many children hungry, while the food they have access to often doesn't contain all the essential nutrients needed to help them grow and develop. Frequent diarrhoea, due to poor access to clean water and sanitation, further aggravates the situation. The majority of the population live far from a health facility, making early detection and treatment of malnutrition challenging. The latest on the nutrition situation in South Sudan.

In order to address this challenge, ASIMO will work to ensure that Nutrition is essential for a population and particularly children to survive, grow and achieve their full potential in terms of social, economic, intellectual and physical. We work to address immediate and some underlying causes of malnutrition in South Sudan. Specific interventions that address immediate causes of malnutrition include treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) through Inpatient Therapeutic Programme (ITP) and Outpatient Therapeutic Care Programme (OTP), treatment of Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) through Targeted Supplementary Feeding programme (TSFP), disease management and maternal and child micronutrient supplementation. We also work to address intermediate or underlying causes of infant and young child feeding practices (exclusive and complementary feeding with continued breastfeeding, minimum dietary diversity, responsive feeding), appropriate health care as well as adequate hygiene and sanitation. We have taken to working with community structures like parent-teacher-associations (PTAs) to foster a culture of proper feeding and nutrition in communities.

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