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WASH in Emergencies & Resilience

ASIMO’s strategy focuses on improving water, sanitation and hygiene status of vulnerable communities. ASIMO’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) approach – through direct intervention, partnerships, and advocacy – focuses on children, families and institutions having access to safe, equitable and sustainable clean water, dignified sanitation, and appropriate hygiene behaviors.

ASIMO implement WASH programs, including activities to provide access to safe drinking water, handwashing facilities, sanitation services, and solid waste disposal. Additional WASH programming includes interventions to help prevent cholera outbreaks among vulnerable populations and to mitigate the risk of gender-based violence (GBV) by providing safe access to latrines, sanitation services, and other WASH facilities. We shall continue to support the returnees, Refugees, IDPS and host communities by rehabilitating WASH infrastructure and providing WASH supplies to the affected populations. We shall also support on hygiene promotion activities through public health campaigns and the distribution of essential supplies, such as dignity and hygiene kits, soap, and water containers. ASIMO’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) approach is always – through direct intervention, partnerships, and advocacy – focuses on children, families and institutions to have access to safe, equitable and sustainable clean water, dignified sanitation, and appropriate hygiene behaviours.






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